
Total 82건 1 페이지
  • 2024-04-15

    [Publications] "Enhancing Selectivity in 5G/6G Ultra-Narrowband Applications: Plug-and-Play Frequency Selective Surfaces with Field-Manipulating Vias," in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.

  • 2024-04-06

    [Publications] "Heterogeneous Metasurface Empowering Proximate High-Permittivity Ceramic Cover For a 5G Dual-Band Millimeter-Wave Smartphone," in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.

  • 2024-03-22

    [Awards] KIEES Electromagnetic Measurement Paper Competition

  • 2024-03-02

    [Welcome] Junpyo Jo, Hooyoung Kim, and Sungyoung Park have joined our group as graduate students.

  • 2024-02-27

    [Media Coverage] “위성주파수에서 5G 동작”…KT, 서울대와 개발

  • 2024-02-22

    [Awards] KIEES Best Paper Awards

  • 2024-02-21

    [Publication] "Extremely Miniaturized Free-Space Measurement System for RF Metamaterial Composite Based on Beam Focusing Transmitarray," in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters.

  • 2024-02-04

    [Publication] "Asymmetric Capacitor-Loaded Marchand Balun-Based Four-Stacked Power Amplifier Utilized C -Band Stimulus Source in SOI CMOS," in IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters.

  • 2024-01-29

    [Awards] 과기부, 과학기술혁신 유공자 표창

  • 2024-01-05

    [Top Access] "Single-Glass-Layer Optically Transparent Transmitarray with High Aperture Efficiency and Low Profile at 5G Millimeter-Wave Band" was selected as the most viewed paper of IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation in Jan. 2024.


"Enhancing Selectivity in 5G/6G Ultra-Narrowband Applications: Plug-and-Play Frequency Selective Surfaces with Field-Manipulating Vias," in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.

Congratulation! Our paper titled "Enhancing Selectivity in 5G/6G Ultra-Narrowband Applications: Plug-and-Play Frequency Selective Surfaces with Field-Manipulating Vias," authored by Jeahoon Kim, Seungwoo Bang, and Jungsuek Oh, has been accepted!
Paper Title : J. Kim, S. Bang, J. Jeong, S. Wi, and J. Oh, "Enhancing Selectivity in 5G/6G Ultra-Narrowband Applications: Plug-and-Play Frequency Selective Surfaces with Field-Manipulating Vias," in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Early Access Article, Apr. 2024.

"Heterogeneous Metasurface Empowering Proximate High-Permittivity Ceramic Cover For a 5G Dual-Band Millimeter-Wave Smartphone," in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.

Congratulation! Our paper titled "Heterogeneous Metasurface Empowering Proximate High-Permittivity Ceramic Cover For a 5G Dual-Band Millimeter-Wave Smartphone," authored by Byeongjin Kim, Jaebaek Jung, and Jungsuek Oh, has been accepted!
Paper Title : B. Kim, J. Jung, S. Yun, H. Kim, and J. Oh, "Heterogeneous Metasurface Empowering Proximate High-Permittivity Ceramic Cover For a 5G Dual-Band Millimeter-Wave Smartphone," in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Early Access Article, Apr. 2024.

KIEES Electromagnetic Measurement Paper Competition

Congratulation! Young-seok Lee, Taeyeong Yoon, Sanghun Lee, Minje Kim, Jungsuek Oh, and Sangwook Nam were awarded "Excellence Award" at KIEES Electromagnetic Measurement Paper Competition on March 22, 2024.

Junpyo Jo, Hooyoung Kim, and Sungyoung Park have joined our group as graduate students.

Junpyo Jo, Hooyoung Kim, and Sungyoung joined our group as graduate students. Welcome! March 2024.
[Media Coverage]

“위성주파수에서 5G 동작”…KT, 서울대와 개발

KT(대표이사 김영섭)는 서울대학교 전기·정보공학부 연구팀과 5G 무선 통신 주파수 3.5GHz 대역과 KT스카이라이프 위성 주파수 12GHz 대역에서 동작하는 ‘재구성 가능한 지능형 표면(이하 RIS, Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface) 기술’을 개발했다고 27일 밝혔다. KT는 이 기술을 MWC 2024에서 공개했다.

KIEES Best Paper Awards

Congratulation! Minje Kim was awarded "Best Paper Award" at the 2024 KIEES Winter Conference on 10 February, 2024.
Paper Title : Minje Kim, Taeyeong Yoon, Sanghun Lee, and Jungsuek Oh, "Generalized Formulation of the Series Power Divider Enabling Equal Power Distribution and Uniform Phase," in KIEES Winter Conference, Feb. 2024.

"Extremely Miniaturized Free-Space Measurement System for RF Metamaterial Composite Based on Beam Focusing Transmitarray," in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters.

Congratulation! Our paper titled "Extremely Miniaturized Free-Space Measurement System for RF Metamaterial Composite Based on Beam Focusing Transmitarray," authored by Seungwoo Bang, Taeyeong Yoon, Byeongjin Kim, Jaecheol Oh, Hogyeom Kim and Jungsuek Oh, has been accepted!
S. Bang, T. Yoon, B. Kim, J. Oh, H. Kim and J. Oh, "Extremely Miniaturized Free-Space Measurement System for RF Metamaterial Composite Based on Beam Focusing Transmitarray," in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Early Access Article, Feb. 2024.

"Asymmetric Capacitor-Loaded Marchand Balun-Based Four-Stacked Power Amplifier Utilized C -Band Stimulus Source in SOI CMOS," in IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters.

Congratulation! Our paper titled "Asymmetric Capacitor-Loaded Marchand Balun-Based Four-Stacked Power Amplifier Utilized C -Band Stimulus Source in SOI CMOS," authored by Seongwoog Oh and Jungsuek Oh, has been accepted!
Paper Title : S. Oh, J. Oh, "Asymmetric Capacitor-Loaded Marchand Balun-Based Four-Stacked Power Amplifier Utilized C -Band Stimulus Source in SOI CMOS," in IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters, Early Access Article, Feb. 2024.

과기부, 과학기술혁신 유공자 표창

과학기술정보통신부(장관 이종호)는 과학기술 혁신 정책 수립에 기여한 유공자 73명을 선정하고 22일 광화문 포시즌스 6층 누리볼룸에서 표창 수여식을 가졌다고 밝혔다.
'과학기술혁신 유공 통합시상식'은 과학기술정책, 국가전략기술, 사회문제 해결, 예산 배분조정 등 13개 분야에서 혁신정책 수립에 기여한 유공자를 격려하기 위해 올해 처음으로 마련됐다.

이날 시상식에는 과학기술정책 유공 10명, 국가과학기술자문회의 유공 8명, 국가전략기술 유공 9명, 성장동력 추진업무 유공 4명, 다부처 협력활성화 유공 3명, 도전적 연구개발 유공 3명, 사회문제해결 6명, 탄소중립 R&D 혁신 유공 2명, 지역과학기술 진흥 유공 3명, 민간R&D 혁신 유공 2개 기업, 연구개발예산 배분‧조정 유공 11명, 민군협력 유공 1명, 국가연구개발사업 예비타당성조사 유공 11명 등 73명이 수상의 영예를 안았다.

서울대학교 오정석 교수는 성장동력 추진 업무 관련 국가전략기술 임무중심 전략로드, 기술 육성방안의 공을 인정받았다.
[Top Access]

"Single-Glass-Layer Optically Transparent Transmitarray with High Aperture Efficiency and Low Profile at 5G Millimeter-Wave Band" was selected as the most viewed paper of IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation in Jan. 2024.

Congratulation! Our paper titled "Single-Glass-Layer Optically Transparent Transmitarray with High Aperture Efficiency and Low Profile at 5G Millimeter-Wave Band" authored by Byeongjin Kim and Jungsuek Oh appeared in the top accessed article of the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation for Jan. 2024.

"Beyond Limitations of 5G with RIS: Field Trial in a Commercial Network, Recent Advances, and Future Directions," in IEEE Communications Magazine.

Congratulation! Our paper titled "Beyond Limitations of 5G with RIS: Field Trial in a Commercial Network, Recent Advances, and Future Directions," authored by Hyunjun Yang, Sunghyun Kim, Hogyeom Kim, Seungwoo Bang, Yongwan Kim, Seongkwan Kim, Kyujin Park, Doyle Kwon, and Jungsuek Oh, has been accepted!
Paper Title : H. Yang, S. Kim, H. Kim, S. Bang, Y. Kim, S. Kim, K. Park, D. Kwon, and J. Oh, "Beyond Limitations of 5G with RIS: Field Trial in a Commercial Network, Recent Advances, and Future Directions," in IEEE Communications Magazine, Early Access Article, Dec. 2023.

"Asymmetrically-Layered Unit Cell Topology to Reduce Cell Gap of Liquid Crystals for 5G Millimeter-Wave Transmissive Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Applications," in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.

Congratulation! Our paper titled "Asymmetrically-Layered Unit Cell Topology to Reduce Cell Gap of Liquid Crystals for 5G Millimeter-Wave Transmissive Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Applications," authored by Jaehoon Kim and Jungsuek Oh, has been accepted!
Paper Title : J. Kim and J. Oh, "Asymmetrically-Layered Unit Cell Topology to Reduce Cell Gap of Liquid Crystals for 5G Millimeter-Wave Transmissive Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Applications," in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Early Access Article, Dec. 2023.
[Top Access]

"Ultra-thinned Metasurface-embedded Smartphone Antenna-in-package for Millimeter Wave 5G/6G Coverage Enhancement" was selected as the most viewed paper of IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation in Dec. 2023

Congratulation! Our paper titled "Ultra-thinned Metasurface-embedded Smartphone Antenna-in-package for Millimeter Wave 5G/6G Coverage Enhancement" authored by Jaebaek Jung, Woojun Lee, and Jungsuek Oh appeared in the top accessed article of the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation for Dec. 2023.

Student Paper Competition in Propagation

Congratulation! Hogyeom Kim and Seungwoo Bang were awarded "Best Student Paper" at KIEES Student Paper Competition on November 24, 2023.
Paper Title: 밀리미터파 5G 이동통신 QoS 향상을 위한 저발열 가변소자 기반 다중 빔 다중 편파 동시 제어용 대면적 재구성 가능한 지능형 표면 (RIS) 설계 및 시스템 데모
Paper Title: 차세대 전자부품 양산 및 물성 검증에 적용 가능한 빔 포커싱 메타표면 안테나 기반의 초소형 자유공간 측정 시스템

"140-GHz Affordable Miniaturized Array Antenna-on-Package for Sub-THz Transceiver," in IEEE Access.

Congratulation! Our paper titled "140-GHz Affordable Miniaturized Array Antenna-on-Package for Sub-THz Transceiver," authored by Seongwoog Oh and Jungsuek Oh, has been accepted!
Paper Title : S. Oh and J. Oh, "140-GHz Affordable Miniaturized Array Antenna-on-Package for Sub-THz Transceiver," in IEEE Access, Early Access Article, Nov. 2023.

IEEE ISAP Best Student Paper (1st) Awards

Congratulation! Uichan Park was awarded "Best Student Paper (1st)" at IEEE ISAP Paper Awards on November 2, 2023.
Paper Title: A New Class of Method With TE/TM Wave Decomposition and Superposition Enabling High-Efficiency Transmitarray Antenna

The Samsung Display Paper Awards

Congratulation! Jeongtaek Oh was awarded "The Best Paper Award" at the Samsung Display Paper Awards on October 17, 2023.
Paper Title: Dual-polarized Antenna-in-Display Embedded into 30um Dead space of Y-OCTA for 5G/6G Smartphnoes
[Top Access]

"Independently Polarization Manipulable Liquid-Crystal-Based Reflective Metasurface for 5G Reflectarray and Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface" was selected as the most viewed paper of IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation in Sep. 2023

Congratulation! Our paper titled "Independently Polarization Manipulable Liquid-Crystal-Based Reflective Metasurface for 5G Reflectarray and Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface" authored by Hogyeom Kim, Seongwoog Oh, Hyunjun Yang, Byeongjin Kim, and Jungsuek Oh appeared in the top accessed article of the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation for Aug. 2023.

"Liquid-Crystal-Tuned Resonant Series Patch Array with Unique Element Spacing Emulating Simplified Operating Construe of Traveling-wave Antenna," in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters.

Congratulation! Our paper titled "Liquid-Crystal-Tuned Resonant Series Patch Array with Unique Element Spacing Emulating Simplified Operating Construe of Traveling-wave Antenna," authored by Jaehoon Kim, Woojun Lee, and Jungsuek Oh, has been accepted!
Paper Title : J. Kim, W. Lee and J. Oh "Liquid-Crystal-Tuned Resonant Series Patch Array with Unique Element Spacing Emulating Simplified Operating Construe of Traveling-wave Antenna," in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Sep. 2023.

Youngseok Lee has joined our group as graduate students.

Youngseok Lee joined our group as a graduate student. Welcome! September, 2023.

"FSS-Enhanced Quasi-Optical Dielectric Measurement Method for Liquid Crystals in Sub-THz Band," in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters.

Congratulation! Our paper titled "FSS-Enhanced Quasi-Optical Dielectric Measurement Method for Liquid Crystals in Sub-THz Band," authored by Byeongju Moon and Jungsuek Oh, has been accepted!
Paper Title : B. Moon and J. Oh "FSS-Enhanced Quasi-Optical Dielectric Measurement Method for Liquid Crystals in Sub-THz Band," in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Aug. 2023.

Seongwoog's Ph.D Commencement

With immense pleasure, in recognition of Seongwoog's successful attainment of a Ph.D., we extend our warmest congratulations. Furthermore, as Dr. Seongwoog Oh embarks on this new chapter as a Ph.D. graduate, we offer our sincere celebration. Their academic journey serves as an example of determination and excellence. Much success to Seongwoog!

KIEES Best Paper Awards

Congratulation! Seungwoo Bang was awarded "Best Paper Award (1st Place)" at the 2023 KIEES Summer Conference on 24 August, 2023.
Paper Title : Seungwoo Bang, Taeyeong Yoon, Byeongjin Kim, Jaecheol Oh, and Jungsuek Oh, "Extremely Miniaturized Over-The-Air (OTA) FSS Measurement System Based on Near Field Beam Focusing Transmitarray," in KIEES Summer Conference, Aug. 2023.

"Single-Glass Layer Optically Transparent Transmitarray With High Aperture Efficiency And Low Profile At 5G Millimeter-Wave Band," in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.

Congratulation! Our paper titled "Single-Glass Layer Optically Transparent Transmitarray With High Aperture Efficiency And Low Profile At 5G Millimeter-Wave Band," authored by Beongjin Kim and Jungsuek Oh, has been accepted!
Paper Title : B. Kim and J. Oh, "Single-Glass Layer Optically Transparent Transmitarray With High Aperture Efficiency And Low Profile At 5G Millimeter-Wave Band," in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Early Access Article, Aug. 2023.

"Band-Stop Behavior Vertically Extended Ground Isolator Based on Transmission Line Theory for IBFD TRx Decoupling Applications," in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques.

Congratulation! Our paper titled "Band-Stop Behavior Vertically Extended Ground Isolator Based on Transmission Line Theory for IBFD TRx Decoupling Applications," authored by Taeyeong Yoon, Uichan Park, and Jungsuek Oh, has been accepted!
Paper Title : T. Yoon, U. Park, and J. Oh, "Band-Stop Behavior Vertically Extended Ground Isolator Based on Transmission Line Theory for IBFD TRx Decoupling Applications," in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Early Access Article, Aug. 2023.

"Ultra-thinned Metasurface-embedded Smartphone Antenna-in-package for Millimeter Wave 5G/6G Coverage Enhancement," in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.

Congratulation! Our paper titled "Ultra-thinned Metasurface-embedded Smartphone Antenna-in-package for Millimeter Wave 5G/6G Coverage Enhancement," authored by Jaebaek Jung, Woojun Lee, Gyuha Lee, Songcheol Hong, and Jungsuek Oh, has been accepted!
Paper Title : J. Jung, W. Lee, G. Lee, S. Hong, and J. Oh, "Ultra-thinned Metasurface-embedded Smartphone Antenna-in-package for Millimeter Wave 5G/6G Coverage Enhancement," in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Early Access Article, Aug. 2023.

Unpacking SNU Antenna System at The 7th Defense Science and Technology Fair

Our lab's millimeter-wave antenna system was exhibited at The 7th Defense Science and Technology Fair 2023 in Seoul, Korea's most prominent defense technology exhibition.

"Metal Rods-Based Field Concentrated Common and Differential Modes Theory Enabling Design of Dual-Polarized Antennas," in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.

Congratulation! Our paper titled "Metal Rods-Based Field Concentrated Common and Differential Modes Theory Enabling Design of Dual-Polarized Antennas," authored by Taeyeong Yoon and Jungsuek Oh, has been accepted!
Paper Title : T. Yoon and J. Oh, "Metal Rods-Based Field Concentrated Common and Differential Modes Theory Enabling Design of Dual-Polarized Antennas," in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Early Access Article, Aug. 2023.

"D-Band Stripline Interconnection Using Capped Cavity via Transition," in IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters.

Congratulation! Our paper titled "D-Band Stripline Interconnection Using Capped Cavity via Transition," authored by Hyunjin Kim and Jungsuek Oh, has been accepted!
Paper Title : H. Kim, J. Oh, "D-Band Stripline Interconnection Using Capped Cavity via Transition," in IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters, Early Access Article, Jul. 2023.

"Independently Polarization Manipulable Liquid-Crystal-Based Reflective Metasurface for 5G Reflectarray and Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface" in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.

Congratulation! Our paper titled "Independently Polarization Manipulable Liquid-Crystal-Based Reflective Metasurface for 5G Reflectarray and Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface," authored by Hogyeom Kim, Seongwoog Oh, Seungwoo Bang, Hyunjun Yang, Byeongjin Kim, and Jungsuek Oh, has been accepted!
Paper Title : H. Kim, S. Oh, S. Bang, H. Yang, B. Kim, and J. Oh, "Independently Polarization Manipulable Liquid-Crystal-Based Reflective Metasurface for 5G Reflectarray and Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface," in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Early Access Article, Jun. 2023.


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